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does vincent griffith die in the originals

Vincent distracts Cortez, allowing Cami time to send an SOS to Klaus, however, Cortez notices and slams her head on the door frame knocking her out. The Bulldogs (13-9 . As he chanted, a storm started to gather above them. Vincent talks to Marcel about Elijah making a deal and getting his memories back if Klaus gives Antoinette his blood to cure her. In her final days, Antoinette was stoned to death by her village. He then tells the original that he never thought he would see his wife again, after she was locked up in the Fauline Cottage. Vincent, then, lectured the acolytes on their poor choice to follow the Hollow. After spreading the cards, Vincent passed the open palm on the back of the tarot and these caught fire, leaving only the cards useful for the tarot reading. He tries to protest on not doing it, but the Ancestors inflict a pain spell on him. Vincent is seen sitting with Cami somewhere in the French Quarter as they speak of Cami's previous encounter with Klaus that day, Vincent questions why she had lied to Klaus, to which she tells him that he was more than willing to kill and his inability to protect her from Aurora and his unwillingness to kill her after what she had done to her. Not long after, he was offered the role of Regent following Josephine LaRue's death. This leaves Vincent doubtful he could still do magic in the center of Lafayette cemetery. Ivy foretold that Klaus was grieving and desperate, but he wasn't erratic. When Vincent expressed disappointment with Elijah's "Hell of a show", the Original Vampire claimed he just saved Vincent because Dominic wanted him dead. He had transformed the church into a safe haven and was leading the witches in a peaceful time for the city. Asking the Original Vampire for explanations, Elijah replied he simply did what was required: slashing the throats of four French Quarter young witches on a consecrated ground to create a link with the Ancestral Plane. Soon after becoming Regent he was able to effectively use telekinesis on a great scale, as seen when he easily caused a car crash. In There in the Disappearing Light, he has his hand on Ivy's and while angrily clenching his fist, he hears a gasp and goes to investigate, with one of the witches rising, and walks over to Ivy when she rises as well. Elijah then asks Vincent for some assistance. The spell was powerful enough that even Freya, despite her own power, was not able to destroy it but only temporary breach, but for only mere moments. He is the ex-husband of the witch, Eva Sinclair. Thus, the amount of knowledge he has regarding Witchcraft remains unknown. He was abruptly brought back to reality and confronted some Hollow's acolytes who wanted the grimoire. He was also noted to be on the same level of power as his very powerful ex-wife, Eva Sinclair. Unfortunately for fans like myself the show is ending, season five is going to be the last. Cami goes to Rousseau's to find her co-workers and all the customers compelled in silence, she spots Vincent and Cortez in the back room, she rushes to Vincent's side but Cortez gets in the way and threatens her and everyone in the bar. Upon assuming Regency of New Orleans' Witch community, Vincent's powers were augmented to levels beyond any conventional witch, as seen numerous times. Ivy said she heard he's a strong man full of fire, a good friend, a vicious enemy and a great husband. Despite Vincent's disinterest in magic, he was shown as a very powerful witch, in terms of the large amounts of power he can handle channeling. Vincent ponders her words and when she walks away, he turns when he hears Emmett speaking. Vincent casts a powerful spell, flipping the vehicle. Vincent hesitated to kill Klaus, while the acolyte who held a dagger pointed at Maxine's throat lectured him about his alliance with vampires. Overwhelmed by his situation, he bonds with Cami who sees he's unlike the 'Vincent' she thought was her adviser. At nightfall, at the marketplace, Vincent stood aside as Ivy gave a beautiful speech for Colette's funeral, reminding the witches to be together as one which they all started to repeat. 6 Esther Mikaelson. Vincent harshly replied he was doing it just for Hope, because he won't let any child be hurt in his city and as soon as the threat was over, he would make sure to banish the Mikaelsons from New Orleans. Since the Ancestors had not been able to imprison the Hollow's spirit, it was evident that the Hollow's had a plan B. Klaus accused Vincent of helping the Hollow, but Marcel stepped in his favor, stating that he trusted Vincent. In Bag of Cobras, Vincent was studying some boards with newspaper clippings and notes in his apartment, looking for a pattern linking clusters of violent rituals performed in New Orleans over the span of two months, assuming similarity with 1992 violent clusters in Algiers, Trem, Bayou, and Marigny. Cami asks if he feels sorry for him, and Vincent tells her no, but she irritated the wrong person and it will be different for them. In No Quarter, Vincent learned that the son of a witch he was interested in Maxine, had gone missing. He, Marcel and Josh then face off with Emmett and argue about it being right with the factions being separated. After his confrontation, he had to perform a cleansing ritual upon himself. At night, Vincent and Klaus went to the Lafayette Cemetery as Vincent was about to sacrifice Klaus. However, those powers came at a very high price. He decides to help and he and Davina channel each other in order to perform a Disenchantment spell upon the safe house disenchantment spell that Van cast upon the St. James Infirmary. During season 2 of The Originals, Finn inhabited the body of a powerful Treme witch named Vincent Griffith. The joyful atmosphere was ruined by Klaus, who accused the witches of being responsible for the kidnapping of Hayley. Vincent was quite discouraged by the recent omens, and finding out that Hayley went missing and Klaus had returned to the city to find her was hardly the best way to face the day. Vincent replied that Elijah was already dead and in doing so his death wouldn't be in vain. He is a very powerful witch, who is the former Regent of the Nine Covens and a former member of the Trem Coven. They had until the sundown to handle it to the Hollow, otherwise, she would come to take the bone herself. He is a very powerful witch, who is the former Regent of the Nine Covens and a former member of the Trem Coven. Apparently, the charlatan was right. The witch prepared to kill Vincent but he was saved by Marcel. He listens to her when she mentions the Ancestral Plane, but he tells her needs to show her something. The two witches were still at odds since their last argument after Davina's death, but Freya still wanted to thank Vincent for his help against the Hollow. Vincent magically broke his neck, but it was too late for saving the thorns, an essential ingredient to perform the sacrificial ritual. Since Hollow wanted to use the energy accumulated by Elijah's sacrifice to resurrect herself, Vincent proposed to use that same energy to cause her demise: Marcel would stab the Hollow's temporary host with a dagger soaked with Hayley's blood, while Vincent would cast an Ancestral spell to banish the spirit, harnessing Elijah's sacrifice. Vincent used some white sand from a bottle to create a circle and asked Marcel's permission to channel his power since he was not strong enough to reach Inadu's mother without channeling the book. Ivy replied that all the apocalyptic prophecies ended in tragedy, but Vincent still had a shred of optimism. Vincent asked him if he was out of his mind, but then corrected himself, saying he was the foolish one because he thought Klaus had it in him, and that he really thought that you had the potential to be a better man. He then proceeds to cast a death hex spell on the witch, which slowly killed her. He tells her the day the Axeman chose was called Fte de Cadeau, which is the day that every witch gives a gift to the city in the hopes that the city gives one back. The vampires emerge, but Elijah shows up just in time to kill them. Reanimated at the last moment by Marcel after he fought some Acolytes with Sofya's help, Vincent came back to life with a painful gasp. The witch was about to remind Elijah he wasn't his witch-for-hire when he noticed four girls lying dead in the crypt. Vincent was considered to be a powerful witch by his coven and was apparently well regarded by the other witches of New Orleans (so much so that they later planned to offer him the position of Regent). However, even with the spell, the Hollow was far stronger and broke free, destroying the manual in the process. Showing interest in that, Vincent asked what she heard. He goes to Lafayette Cemetery and talks to Ivy about Declan. Not much is known about Antoinette's early life, other than the stories that she has told Elijah. The witch then tried to further the spell with the children, knocking them out, Vincent grabbed the man from behind and held a knife to his throat. When Davina herself manages to convince them, he participates in the ritual which sees her appointed as Regent. He seems to be empathic, a trait shared with Cami, whom he was taking a liking to. They were trying to figure it out such an unexpected outcome but had no time because the three cards caught fire in Vincent's hand. Freya confided in him, saying that she was undecided whether or not to leave for Lebanon to be with her girlfriend Keelin, but at the same time, she was worried about Hope. He is the nephew of Dahlia Hagen through his mother. Cortez gives Klaus the same warning to Klaus as he did Cami as to what would happen if he made a move for him. In What, Will, I, Have, Left, he and Freya meet up at Rousseau's to talk more until Declan comes up to them with a missing poster for Hayley. Vincent confronts the Sisters and they throw both him and Cami against the wall in the tomb. Vincent angrily confronts Freya for this action. When Tristan threatens to put Finn back in his body if he doesn't do as asked, he is left alarmed and terrified when Tristan walks away. By placing the skull on the altar, Vincent marked it with a bloody cross and started chanting in French Creole. Since the book was gone, he needed something connected to Hope through blood to make the transition successful. They were ready to perform the sacrificial ritual, scratching Klaus with the rose thorns and staking him in the heart, quick and painless, but were interrupted by the Hollow's Acolytes threatening Maxine's life. When Vincent and Eva finally reunited, Eva was so pleased and revealed to see him although he was not. Vincent hoped Klaus get that. Camille met Vincent after Finn was expelled from his body. Klaus informs her that it is no use, she stands glaring at him angrily and shoves him out of her way and leaves. The witch continued sharing information, stating that the sacrifices they barely stopped were used by the Hollow to gain more power. After coming to, he crawls weakly over to Freya and apologizes, and casts a pain infliction spell on Lucien before he drinks the bottle of blood mixture. Vincent replied that it wasn't a good time, as he was into some witch business to pay him attention. One of the vampires in the vehicle order the other to "run him down". Vincent later speaks his mind to Niklaus Mikaelson and Elijah, involving Camille O'Connell and her vampirism. In The Devil Comes Here and Sighs, Vincent is confronted by Van for allying himself with the Mikaelson Family. Vincent is then attacked by a vampire, and Vincent uses his magic to break part of a spiky fence and use it as a stake. 4 Dahlia. He explained to them that a faction of New Orleans witches had begun making sacrifices to the Hollow, practicing a very dark form of magic. The next day, Vincent is being watched by Strix vampires and a witch. The witch incapacitated Marcel before Vincent knocked him over the head. While Marcel and Josh were having a conversation about the possibility of a bullet, which was offered online to the highest bidder, being a fake, Vincent showed up and told them about his encounter with Sofya. He then joins the group and talks to them how every street belongs to everyone, but before he can continue the vampires show up. She pleaded with him to help her, which lead him to 'help' her before betraying her by knocking her out, unconscious. He went on to say that Josh shouldn't rely too much on Marcel's advice because Marcel meant Rebekah, causing a chain reaction that would also involve the rest of the Original Vampires (Klaus, Elijah and Kol) and they could not allow them to return to New Orleans, unleashing the Hollow's dark magic on the city once again. After comforting the four girls, Vincent scolded Elijah for his recklessness. Witches gathered to cover with flowers the corpse shredded in a white sheet, and later danced in honor of their lost fellow witch. Sometime later, Vincent was recording his thoughts in a leather-bound journal sitting in the mausoleums of the Lafayette Cemetery when blood began to rain. Klaus arrives and begins taunting Cortez's imminent death, but Cami calls his name causing him to take notice of the three men Cortez had compelled to hold knives to the bar patrons throats. Freya replied that she had already lost her brother Finn and by saying it, she made up a plan to save Elijah's soul: trapping it in her talisman like she did for Finn. Immediately, Vincent blamed himself for his wife's death. Once tied to her aunt Dahlia and forced to sleep through centuries, Freya is freed by her siblings and becomes a proper Mikaelson. Once at the Abattoir, Vincent fought with the Hollow, trapping her with a binding spell. Sometime later, something changed and the Death card turned over by itself. Suggesting, like himself, she breaks away from the Supernatural in general. When Marcel asked how he would be able to revive him, the witch showed him a syringe to be injected directly into his heart. A sign of the Ancestors' denial. He apparently left his Coven of his own free will, giving up on being a Witch due to events in his life nine months prior which may include the fact that his wife Eva went on a killing spree Harvesting the young witches in the community. Vincent is first seen as Finn's vessel in From a Cradle to a Grave alongside the fourth Harvest girl Cassie, who is possessed by Finn's mother Esther. Vincent released the two from his spell and Klaus was about to break their necks, but eventually, they left the acolytes free to die at the hand of the Hollow. He generally wears leather jackets, hoodies, and casual attire, though when possessed by Finn Mikaelson, he dressed in Finn's fashion sense, with more aristocratic and high-class clothing such as button-down shirts and sweater-vests. He ultimately became a target for Esther Mikaelson because of this and she places her son's spirit, Finn Mikaelson, within him. The Hollow scoffed at Vincent's attempt to defeat her since she was about to take possession of Hope entirely, but Vincent replied that he had communicated with the Ancestors, including her own mother, and that he knew the spell she used to kill her. Vincent tells him about how the kidnappings started two years before and how he was the one who had discovered that it was Eva who had been snatching the children for a ritual designed to channel the magic of all nine witch covens in New Orleans; Eva needed to sacrifice a child from each coven, each with great potential, for her ritual to succeed. Initially, Marcel was reluctant since Vincent had warned him to kill him if he had asked for the journal, but Vincent replied that they were not in the same drastic situation at the time. Vincent simply looked him in the eye, before turning back and leaving the room. He is the younger brother of Freya Mikaelsdottir, and the older brother of Elijah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, and Henrik Mikaelson. Vincent went on to say that if the spell had worked, the four Mikaelsons would have to take different paths and remain separated forever, hoping to ward off the Hollow from trying to rebuild herself because of the closeness between the fractions of her soul. When Freya tried to explain that she was sorry for what she did to Davina, Vincent interrupted her, saying that they were wasting their time looking for a loophole to the inevitable. However, Vincent replied he didn't know what to do because when it comes to war, Klaus is the best strategist but without Elijah keeping him on track, he didn't know what Klaus would be capable of. Vincent tells Cami they aren't alone and that the boundary spell is to keep a vampire out. They realize that they have mortal lives that will be over sooner or later, and he take Freya's advice about asking out Ivy when all the mess is over. Elijah stopped them and asked Vincent to leave, seeking a word with Dominic, alone. He bitterly tells Marcel while she might be alive, she's hurting and walks away. He continued the next step, pleading the Ancestors to accept the sacrifices. Vincent declined the offer and suggested Davina Claire become Regent. Vince returns to Cami's apartment and performs a variant blood gather spell to collect what remains of Lucien's blood. The hard-throwing righthander had three hits and drove in a pair of runs to help Waterloo down Civic Memorial 8-6 in a contest played in the shadow of Illinois Highway 255. Vincent was forced by Elijah to perform the next Harvest Ritual in order to reconnect the Ancestral plane to New Orleans. Although the witches were concerned about their relationship because of Eva's wild ways, they let them be because they were both happy. A plan is organized, where Vincent stands in the middle of the road, awaiting a Strix vehicle. However, the Ancestors stripped him of the Regency and dissolved Vincent's connection to their power, leaving him magically weakened due to the fact that he aligned himself with the Mikaelson family, while making Van Nguyen the new Regent of the nine covens of New Orleans. That night, Vincent came to the party and heard Elijah's welcoming speech before joining the crowd, shaking hands at various guests to discover their true intentions. Vincent replied that his family was not concerned with him, and that he only cared about Hope and the monster inside her. When Maxine asked Vincent to join them because he cannot fight alone, Vincent replied the at least he could prevent others from getting hurt. After sharing this intimate moment, the started the reading. After being mortally injured by Klaus, Freya quickly heals Finn and then draws his soul out of Vincent's body and into her talisman. Vincent Griffith Biographical Information Full Name Vincent Andrew Griffith Born December 31st, 1986 (age 43) Treme, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States Status Alive Titles Dad (by Adam) Daddy (by Eden) Mr. Griffith (by Elijah) Wanna-Be Witch King (by Dianna) Vince (by Eva, Ivy, and Lonndenn) Casanova (by Josh) Mr. Buzzkill, Vin (Both by Freya) The two of them were joined by Freya who, surprisingly, defended Vincent despite not being at all happy with the price to pay to defeat the Hollow. If Klaus was going come after his witches again, it would be a war between the two of them. He then finds Cami and he talks that he could've done something, and he agrees with her about her statement of not being able to use cops to take down a vampire, but she could someone like him, i.e., a witch. Vincent refused to give up however and managed to cast a locator spell on one of the kidnapped children before the cloaking spell went on. He also has a clean and well-groomed beard and mustache. The Hollow had taken everything from his life, leaving nothing but pain and suffering and yet despite their many differences, he thanked the vampires for their sacrifice. Vincent provoked her, saying she was not strong enough if she had to possess a vampire body. While Klaus killed a couple of them, Vincent saved Maxine, who noticed that one of the acolytes was destroying the thorns by throwing them into the fire. This ex-Regent of the Nine Covens is without a doubt one of the most powerful witches in The Vampire Diaries Universe. The she-wolf woke up with the aftermath of the fight on Vincent's sofa, with Vincent gathering necessary ingredients for the powerful ritual he was going to perform. The Hollow offered a deal for Vincent and the Mikaelson that the witch had to report to the absent. The Mikaelsons brothers handled the grimoire to Vincent and Marcel, and Sofya said to Klaus that she knew how dangerous it could be for Hope to be controlled by the Hollow since she herself had been briefly possessed by the monster. He is the ex-husband of fellow Trem witch, Eva Sinclair . Disillusioned with the supernatural community, he left the Trem Coven and began leading a life on his own. He lights candles and performs a spell to go to the Ancestral Plane, and he tells her the desolate place has been the home the New Orleans witches for a long time. Vincent inspires her, telling her she can change the world with the good of her heart and that the world is a much better place with her in it. Elijah proposed a new strategy now that the Ancestors were gone, but Vincent quickly corrected him, stating that you can't kill what's already dead and that the Ancestors were simply severed from the physical plane. He is a former member of the Trem Coven and the former Regent of the Nine Covens of New Orleans, taking on the role of a protector for. In Fire with Fire, Vincent tries to convince the Elders that Davina is their best chance at having a powerful Regent. He encounters Camille O'Connell, who is still refusing to embrace her vampirism. Vincent denied this proposal as they didn't meet to negotiate. When Will suggested it might not be Vincent's kind of case and he'd let him know if anything supernatural was connected, Vincent brushed off the notion, knowing the truth. Using the physical representation of the Hollow's magic, the Sacrificial Instruction manual, Vincent spent a couple of days in a trance-like state entering the spirit realm, contacting the spirit of the Hollow's mother who sought the spell that she used to kill her daughter. Their argument was interrupted by Klaus' text to Vincent, asking the witch to join him outside, just when Keelin approached them to drink something with Freya.

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