holstein steer feeding calculatorholstein steer feeding calculator

holstein steer feeding calculator

I own the corn, in the bins at $3.00 cost per bushel. The Backgrounding Breakeven Calculator contains Microsoft Excel spreadsheet budgets and a breakeven purchase-price estimator. http://www.sheepgoatmarketing.org/beef/install_ccs.html. Find out why here. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. It can probably replace some of the purchased protein. Another opportunity to improve profitability along those same lines is to try to purchase higher quality cattle from a single source with a better reputation rather than putting a group together from various, lesser quality sources. J. Anim. Do you want to put all that in one ration? Yet by working with these constraints, we can yield a saleable carcass that is actually larger than one of a typical beef breed. Break-even Calculator. Use this Excel application to build your own selection index when choosing herd replacements or introducing new genetics. In total, the barn would need to be 17,500 ft 2 (35 ft 2 /hd x 500 hd = 17,500 ft 2 ). They only problem is they take longer to grade choice. NJSA SE Regional Perry, GA Team Purebred Eastern Regional Timonium, MD Copyright 1995-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()), Iowa State University of Science and Technology. The biggest difference that I and many experienced Holstein-beef producers and myself have recognized is that these steers are large animals that eat a lot of feed. Don't need any numbers in there. Privacy Notice Together, the Kent and Blue Seal brands strive to be the most trusted and preeminent regionally focused animal nutrition brands in the United States. #5. ,$f A discount for yield grade 4 cattle is assigned when the load of cattle includes more than 5% yield grade 4 cattle with the old contract. The marbling within Holstein beef can be extensive. ; coming into the feedlot as 500-lb. We feed 1.5# protien per day. New Jersey State Fair Augusta, NJ The Feeder Cattle Bid Calculator uses a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to calculate feeder cattle breakeven purchase prices across a user-defined range of corn grain prices and finished cattle sale prices. CATTLE FEEDING GUIDE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MEDICATED Lifestyle Cattle Feeding Chart.pdf 1 2/11/14 8:37 AM. Grid Marketing Calculator (full version) 2002. In most grain-based diets, however, the NEg will not drop much below 54 Mcal/cwt. The contract sets a minimum of 70% USDA Choice and Prime carcasses and 30% USDA Select carcasses. One more thing,while I am at it then I have said all there is to be said. Applications must be received by December 15. "Any beef calf will have a pattern where if it's fed once a day it will eat up to 70 percent of total feed intake within the first six hours after feeding," she said. If you have any questions on fat cattle market call Gene @ 217-331-3930 or Caleb @ 217-827-5818. 2007. Participation in the Program is free and no initial purchase is required. National Western Stock Show Denver, CO Other management factors can be discussed, but the big take-home message is that Kents Precision Dairy Beef program is designed to support optimum feed efficiencies. Please use a different browser to register and download your desired files. Florida State Fair Tampa, FL However, the starting weight, diet energy density and implant program must receive forethought to avoid overweight or under-finished steers. CA Supply Chain Act. | I also want to plug in costs to get the cheapest ration. gform.initializeOnLoaded( function() {gformInitSpinner( 9, 'https://www.grainews.ca/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/images/spinner.svg' );jQuery('#gform_ajax_frame_9').on('load',function(){var contents = jQuery(this).contents().find('*').html();var is_postback = contents.indexOf('GF_AJAX_POSTBACK') >= 0;if(!is_postback){return;}var form_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_wrapper_9');var is_confirmation = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_confirmation_wrapper_9').length > 0;var is_redirect = contents.indexOf('gformRedirect(){') >= 0;var is_form = form_content.length > 0 && ! This steers carcass measurements indicate his carcass was average Choice and yield grade 3. All Rights Reserved. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. FEEDING CALCULATORS & CHARTS Guidance to ensure optimal feeding results for your cattle - the right feed and the right amounts. I would just like to see what you use to figure out profit/loss. thanks Dave, Hi moisture corn is good,,,,silage,,,I was told by experts once, is the most expensive feed you can have. 26 Apr 2023 19:52:24 that is all they feed. Rate of Gain, Carcass, Showmanship, or Pen group winners are not eligible for awards. In contrast, I know one dairy producer that raises about 100 Holsteins on traditional beef breed diets, and he has Holstein steers approaching their second birthday! Knowing the cost per pound of gain is important so the producer can understand what these improvements (even a half pound difference) mean to profit. Since Holstein is the dominant dairy breed, emphasis is placed on finishing Holstein steers. Now I advocate that Holstein steers can draw good revenue. Dairy steers have a lower dressing percentage, which is calculated by dividing the hot carcass weight by the live weight at harvest, compared with beef steers. AGCanadaTV: In Case You Missed It Your National Ag News Recap for the week ending April 28, 2023. In contrast, Holstein cattle require anywhere from 8 to 12% more energy to meet maintenance energy requirements than beef breeds, due to a variety of factors, including their greater frame size, thinner hide and hair coat, and less subcutaneous fat, which make them more susceptible to environmental stresses, such as excessive mud, rain, snow, or wind. The Exposition Des Moines, IA First, they have slightly lower ADGs due to larger maintenance requirements. Holstein steers traded steady on high choice and 1. . Applications received after December 15 of the current year will not be considered. Nutrients Managing sulfur in beef cattle feed and water Feedlots Feeding and caring for incoming feedlot cattle Achieving optimal feed intake with bunks Feed types Feeding moldy grain to cattle Feeding distillers' grains to beef cattle Grazing and pasture management for cattle Feeding rations Tennessee State Fair Nashville, TN Bottom Line: In conclusion, feedlot nutrition and management are constantly evolving. Indiana State Fair Indianapolis, IN Total receipts: 720. Ohio State Fair Columbus, OH Interaction of cattle health/immunity and nutrition. parameters from Holstein steers in the northern plains feedlots. 205-Day Weight Calculator Get the latest Kent news and announcements. This calculation gives you the feed to gain ratio (feed required for 1.0 pound of gain). World Beef Expo Milwaukee, WI I find mine usually finish around 1350 on them. As there head gets bigger and its more akward to bend there head, don now I get what you are saying just did not understand the way it was posted. This is the cost per pound of gain. In general, dairy steers have a dressing percentage between 55 to 62%, with an average of 58 to 60%, compared with beef steers that normally range between 58 to 65%, with an average of 62 to 64%. Grazing should only be done during the grower phase. Sainz et al. Livestock Exposition (NAILE) Louisville, KY Its a matter of providing nutritious diets that are specifically geared for meeting the higher energy requirements of the growing and finishing Holstein steers. Politically, last Novembers election flipped the House for Republicans but left the Senate in control of Democrats. I think they do better than the chart says from 200-400# but conversion is close. Participation in the Program is free and no initial purchase is required. Two steers were photographed to provide visual aid for readers. It should be simple, just take the feed fed and divide it by the amount the steers gain. This method results in finished Holstein steers commonly referred to as "calf-fed" cattle. This application allows a base yardage fee to be adjusted with changes in diesel fuel price. The break-even purchase price tables highlight how price spread affects financial performance. Pennsylvania Farm Show Harrisburg, PA I'm not a cattle feeder and I don't play one on TV LOL! I'm looking for a spreadsheet or an application that I can input various feddstuffs and cost and tellit to give me a ration for a 300lbs holstein steer. Performance LS, Simply Lite, Grow & Excel, LifeTime, Senior, Active Senior, Safe Start, Kent and Blue Seal Sentinel XT Research at the USDA Meat Animal Research Center (Wittum et al., 1996) found that 35% of 469 steers in one study were treated for a respiratory disease episode between birth and harvest. Mid-South Fair Southaven, TN This proves again that knowing feed cost per pound of gain is crucial in cattle production. If a calf gets a respiratory disease, tissue damage occurs, and nutrients are diverted from lean growth and marbling toward repair of the damaged tissue. These are characteristics of a body condition score of 7, coinciding with the fat content of carcasses that qualify for the USDA Choice quality grade. 85:2243-2255. 77:1120-1134. University of Minnesota research indicated long forage in the starter diet was presumably beneficial to rumen development and had a carryover benefit for growth rate until harvest. This excel spreadsheet decision aid was developed as part of the cow systems project. The 2023 Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) Business Conference was held March 15-16, in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Assume the starter phase spans weaning until 330 pounds of bodyweight. KSU, has the best feed ration calculator that I know of. Sign up to receive informative Grainews articles right to your inbox. I have fed DDGS through Smidley Steer Stuffers for over 10 years, no problem at all. Holsteins will grade well, infact they are the most predictable animal to feed. The table is the results for an 800 pound carcass, yield grade 3.0 - 3.25 from beef or Holstein cattle. Premiums are given for more than 70% Choice and Prime, and discounts occur when fewer than 70% Choice and Prime carcasses are in a load of cattle, with a load being defined as 47,000 lb +/- 1,400 lb live weight. In the Midwest, an increasing number of operations are feeding dairy steers due to their consistent supply and performance compared with beef breeds, due to the more homogeneous genetic base. Or do you want to run numbers between different rations? Sci. Michigan Livestock Expo East Lansing, MI Fun facts, beef 101, cattle 101, news, and the most recent beef and cattle reports. Note: We are aware that the Chrome browser causes difficulties with downloading these planners. Holsteins are tolerant of heat but intolerant of cold. One of our nutrition experts may be able to help. Feed Efficiency Calculator (National Program for Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle) This tool provides guidance for measuring yields and calculating fence movement for winter swath grazing. Animal was selected as the Breed/Division Reserve Grand Champion of the particular breed they were exhibiting in. Since this is borrowed money I want to finish them as fast as possible. Contact us with questions. However, my attitude did a complete 180 turnaround when I started working with a few successful Holstein producers by helping them put together special feeding programs for dairy steers. Holstein-Angus Feed Cattle Pricing I'm lost too, Roy. NOTE: This is the second highest honor at various shows when an overall Reserve Grand Champion is not selected. Or feed. 2023 Purina Animal Nutrition LLC. Kansas State Fair Hutchinson, KS Neither text, nor links to other websites, is reviewed or endorsed by The Ohio State University. Holstein cows produce steer progeny that have large frame scores. National Jr Limousin Show I've never fed a stein, so maybe there is something I'm lost on. In the northeastern United States, a mix of beef breeds, crossbreeds, or dairy beef (mostly Holstein steers) are typically finished in feedlots. Jackpot, Prospect or Open Show winners are not eligible for awards. In addition to a worksheet with a basic budget, the spreadsheet allows the user to develop more specific feed and fixed cost estimates for a system. The Fertility Index is derived from the formula: FI = (.7 x DPR) + (.1 x CCR) + (.1 x HCR) + (.1 x EFC) Daughter Pregnancy Rate, Cow Conception Rate, Heifer Conception Rate and Early First Calving. McKenna, D. R., D. L. Roeber, P. K. Bates, T. B. Schmidt, D. S. Hale, D. B. Griffin, J. W. Savell, J. C. Brooks, J. Looking to fill my yard with some Holstein steers, starting with small weights (200-300 lb range) bringing them to finish weight (1450 lb range). Works great. Program and/or qualifying products may be modified or discontinued at any time without notice. The Purina Cattle Breakeven Calculator is intended as a tool to allow producers to estimate profitability or loss when finishing cattle. Alabama National Fair Montgomery, AL Another factor is crowding. I saw how well Holstein steers can perform if they are recognized as a different class of feedlot cattle compared to traditional beef breeds. Another way may be to buy groups of cattle that can stay intact (not change pens) until sold. Use of anabolic implants in Holstein steers yields a high return on investment. From 300# on up to 1575# to 1625#. Galyean, M. L., L. J. Perino, and G. C. Duff. This can have impacts on animal health, growth rate, feed efficiency, and marbling as an animals passive immune transfer at birth may be an important factor in an animals susceptibility of bovine respiratory disease (Galyean et al., 1999). Dairy-beef production lends itself well to small-scale and part-time farming operations and also can be an auxiliary enterprise for dairy operations. Be certain to purchase only healthy calves. All trademarks owned by Kent Nutrition Group, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates or licensors. hay if it matters is all they want to and its timothy . However, the feedlot manager and I solved this problem by adding extra limestone and a probiotic yeast to the feedlot TMR diet. National Jr Chianina Show What are you wanting to feed them? I know very little about feeding cattle. National Jr Gelbvieh Show Top qualityHolstein bull calves will weigh about 90-115 pounds, withno evidence of disease such as scouring. The goal in finishing Holstein steers is to produce carcasses weighing 850 to 950 pounds that qualify for USDA quality grades Choice or Prime. IF they cant get full in those minutes they dont eat. Limit one award per calendar year. For updated information on current feedlot performance, a good site to visit is Kansas State Universitys Focus on Feedlots: https://www.asi.k-state.edu/about/newsletters/focus-on-feedlots/monthly-reports.html. B. Morgan, T. H. Montgomery, K. E. Belk, and G. C. Smith. Look closely atthe feet and legs of any purchased calves and check forgood mobility and absence of lameness. is_confirmation;var mt = parseInt(jQuery('html').css('margin-top'), 10) + parseInt(jQuery('body').css('margin-top'), 10) + 100;if(is_form){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_9').html(form_content.html());if(form_content.hasClass('gform_validation_error')){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_9').addClass('gform_validation_error');} else {jQuery('#gform_wrapper_9').removeClass('gform_validation_error');}setTimeout( function() { /* delay the scroll by 50 milliseconds to fix a bug in chrome */ jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gform_wrapper_9').offset().top - mt); }, 50 );if(window['gformInitDatepicker']) {gformInitDatepicker();}if(window['gformInitPriceFields']) {gformInitPriceFields();}var current_page = jQuery('#gform_source_page_number_9').val();gformInitSpinner( 9, 'https://www.grainews.ca/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/images/spinner.svg' );jQuery(document).trigger('gform_page_loaded', [9, current_page]);window['gf_submitting_9'] = false;}else if(!is_redirect){var confirmation_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('.GF_AJAX_POSTBACK').html();if(!confirmation_content){confirmation_content = contents;}setTimeout(function(){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_9').replaceWith(confirmation_content);jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gf_9').offset().top - mt);jQuery(document).trigger('gform_confirmation_loaded', [9]);window['gf_submitting_9'] = false;wp.a11y.speak(jQuery('#gform_confirmation_message_9').text());}, 50);}else{jQuery('#gform_9').append(contents);if(window['gformRedirect']) {gformRedirect();}}jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [9, current_page]);} );} ); From choosing the right herbicide to buying and maintaining machinery -- the ultimate resource for help managing your grain or integrated farming operation. There is a strong relationship between changes in diesel fuel price and yardage costs. Copyright 2023 Kent Nutrition Group. This method results in finished Holstein steers commonly referred to as calf-fed cattle. Limit one membership per household, per email. Awards earned in the current year may qualify. Lots of guys feed that tho,but think about it,definitely so. Please click here to continue without javascript.. USDA seeks more information on processor FMMO petition; NMPF proposal expected soon, March 2023 DMC margin falls to $6.08 per cwt, [Podcast] Richie Mayo: Sustainability and technology, [Podcast] Forget How to Mark Them Open with GENEX HerdMonitor, Scours: Preventing a Big Risk for Little Calves, [Podcast] Your Dairy Checkoff Podcast Farmer Stories and Perspectives on Dairy Promotion (Episode 9), [Podcast] Helping Calves Reach their Health and Production Goals Taylor Wolfe, DBC Ag Products. Maryland State Fair Timonium, MD There are two separate worksheets in the spreadsheet to develop the feed and fixed cost estimates.There is also a worksheet included that will focus on the cost associated with financing a cow calf operation. Keep in mind that Holstein comfort and care is different from colored cattle and when done right can improve profit. XT Show, XT Pro, XT Grow, Kent and Blue Seal Sentinel Care Since respiratory disease impacts growth, meat characteristics, and marbling, management and nutritional practices that keep cattle from becoming sick is very important because diagnosis of cattle with respiratory diseases is very difficult, and diagnosis at the feedlot level does not have a close correlation with lung lesions associated with respiratory illness. Francis Fluharty, Professor, Department of Animal Sciences. Ames, IA 50011-1178 Dairy steers are an important source of beef production in the U.S. Learn how Kent Performance Primer has proved successful. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. NDF intake Capacity ranges from approximately from 1.1 % of BW in small cows to 1.2% of body weight in large cows. South Dakota State Fair Huron, SD is_redirect && ! Reynolds, and S.C. Loerch. Nebraska State Fair Grand Island, NE With Holstein cattle, reducing maintenance energy costs through feeding a highly-digestible, grain based diet will improve the efficiency of gain, carcass characteristics, and allow animals to achieve a USDA Choice carcass, while reducing the chance of discounts for carcasses that are too heavy. Carb-Guard, Gastric Support, Omegatin, Equine Choice Topline 30, Kent and Blue Seal Inspire PEAK No reason they won't do 3lbs adg. The attributes and deficiencies of Holstein steers are many and are shown in Table 1. The Feeder Cattle Bid Calculator uses a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to calculate feeder cattle breakeven purchase prices across a user-defined range of corn grain prices and finished cattle sale prices. I am working on trying to put together a spreadsheet as well and any advice you have on it would be great. Ration balancer?, I guess I don't know what that is. Iowa State Fair Des Moines, IA Why can I only see so many articles before I have to register for the site? As a feed additive, cant think of WHY,,but let your own milage determine same. EVERY TIME. My experience with soy hulls. Developing feeding strategies to produce economically viable and consumer acceptable beef is critical to the advancement of the added-value meat industry. What if a feed per pound of gain difference is a half pound more feed per pound of gain? Several studies have also demonstrated that most Holstein steers finish with enough backfat cover to grade desirable AAA or AA. So, how do you reduce cost of production if you do not know what the cost is? This table outlines the performance from 500 lbs to a marketable weight of 1500 lbs at 15 - 16 months of feedlot Holstein steers compared to traditional beef feedlot cattle: It is clear to me that Holstein steers have a unique set of performance characteristics. Use this Excel application to determine the feeding value of corn gluten feed and distillers grains. The result is that grain is more digestible than forage, plus it decreases an animals maintenance requirement by resulting in less digestive organ mass, leaving more nutrients for muscle growth and fattening. How do I listen tothe Progressive Dairy podcast? In January, 2016 according to the USDA, there were 30.3 million beef cows and 9.3 million dairy cows. Indicates where the cattle cannot be hedged profitably. During periods of drought, concern turns immediately to forage supplies, and rightfully so cattle need to eat. is_redirect && ! North American Int. The Limited Feed Intake Calculator evaluates the impact that a slight restriction in feed intake has on the feedyard and the carcass performance of cattle. and in my opinion is a great high protein hay source. State Fair of Virginia Doswell, VA The Beef Cutout Calculator, funded by the Beef Checkoff and developed by Colorado State University, is available to compare subprimal yields and cutout values for beef or Holstein cattle with different carcass weights and yield grades. In all feedlot systems, one of the most critical management areas is animal health. Roon email not in profile. Please use a different browser to register and download your desired files. . All Rights Reserved. Team Purebred Summer Jr. National Springfield, IL Thus, a 950 lb carcass is expected to come from an animal that weighed 1557 lb live, and a 1000 lb carcass is expected to occur with a live weight of 1639 lb. New York State Fair Syracuse, NY Advantages of this method are minimized yardage and interest expense on calf purchase cost, growth rate and gain efficiency are expressed to full genetic potential, and a high dressed yield of Choice or Prime at 1,400 to 1,450 pounds of bodyweight. Feedlot Cattle Phosphorous and Nitrogen Excretion Calculator Alabama State Market Hog Show Montgomery, AL Holstein steers remain more marketable than Holstein-beef crossbreds, Feeding dairy steers for profitable weight gain, 1207 PD: Understanding the market for Holstein steers, Progressive Events: PDPW Business Conference empowers success, In Focus: Mapping the 2023 path for dairy policy, Progressive Events: Industry issues front and center at Western Dairy Management Conference. Listen here. Existing facilities can be used to feed and house the steers, and farm-grain feeds can be used. Submit a request to be listed for FREE in the Buyers Guide here. I feed twice a day at a bunk. In ruminants, maintaining the digestive organs (rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum, small intestine, and large intestine) plus the liver and kidneys can take as much as 40 to 50% of the energy and 30 to 40% of the protein consumed in a day. In another consulting 300-head feedlot case, I found out that there was a number of Holstein steers riding each other, while an unacceptable number of shipped steers was grading as B1 or dark-cutters. These two problems are related and by working with the feedlots veterinarian, we altered the implant program, which solved both problems at the same time. adapted from the UW Extension Yardage Calculator (Hadley, Boetel and Halfman) to gather overhead data (cattle inventory, machinery, housing and facilities, feed storage, manure storage, etc.). They need to be dry and clean to optimize efficiency. However, a $2.50/cwt discount occurs with carcasses over 950 lb, and a $10/cwt discount occurs with carcasses over 1000 lb. North Carolina State Fair Raleigh, NC In the Midwest, JBS Packerland has a high-energy Holstein contract that outlines discounts and premiums for fed Holstein cattle.

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