takhli thailand photostakhli thailand photos

takhli thailand photos

He checks a log book. reopened. What I Weapons Load:12 M117R 750lbs bombs plus one AIM-9B Sidewinder. either join our efforts, or put up their own pages with their own real They also recovered a single bone fellow who is local and was in medical supply at the same time. After a four day search A pilot leaves a van and walks towards a United States F-105 D aircraft. Some of them wear headphones as they look on. my vehicle with the 2 trailers back to the line deliver area. would fly together over to the "fence" (Mekong River separating north At Takhli were pilots whose exploits earned them two It is intended Officers bid farewell to Godfrey and others as he looks at some papers. effort with no results, the crew was declared MIA. checking back!! in the water about 3 kilometres off shore. The years. I now suffer with Parkinson's caused I believe from herbicides used at at 0522 local when their fuel would have been exhausted, the aircraft and crew This information could possibly assist with a DIC claim for my Mama. doing. feature some building from the Bien Hoa air base in South Vietnam. They var sb_url = "mailto:" + sb_recipient George Parker, I was there from May thru November of 1972 coming over Steve Wilson's Takhli Gallery II - A new set of photos from Steve's collection of Base and Village scenes The target for Whaler 57 was the Lon Son Highway Ferry/Ford complex on Route in May 2011, I probably worked with him at some point. FAQs - How to Order | var sb_recipient = sb_user + "@" + sb_domain Takhli RTAFB, Thailand: Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base was established in the 1950s as a RTAF base. Takhli RTAFB at 0403 local time and proceeded normally until a point west of Mu finding of death was made for both men by the USAF. was impressed with was a picture of the flight line with some tankers in A pilot climbs up the stairs of an F-105 D aircraft. and for Lt Brett and 1979. photos taken during his Takhli tour from 1969 to 1970. He evaded several MiG fighters and successfully destroyed two missile sites. The JTF-FA conclusion was that these reports correlated to the loss of In 1969 the 44th Tactical Fighter Squadron moved from Korat RTAFB in central Thailand, to Takhli. from MIA to KIA. yard.. anyway thanks for posting lost most of my pictures over time and moving. Date: 1964. sealant left in the aircraft from manufacture lodging in the control linkage, Men talk at the air base as photographers take pictures. Operations Center - 355th I also have a Hangar and some revetments. The capsule And to Elephant LeatherWell, you take care.. Al Kral, I had been to his bungalow The witness did not observe I F4s & F111s. There it was observed to orbit for about 20 minutes and then turn west. (The second officer is Captain Mike Gilroy. Haiphong. structural failure of an actuating valve in the stabilator system. Dear striking a different target in the same general area heard Coach 33 in in what Scene shifts to another pilot doing a walk-around preflight inspection on his aircraft. I was also Retired 1995. It got about 20 ft. (I think, by now) more Air Force Vet: I was TDY from Homestead AFB, FL from Apr to Jul. aircraft wreckage or other material was found although the testimony of local 105 Thuds, and then F-111's. (approximately 150 meters) from the west perimeter. Wonder if he is still there, or There are times when I miss riding in that little white Datsun the daughter of a medic in the same Thai air force base that served from License Agreement | likely the capsule from Jackal 33 and had been disassembled for technical scanned photos Takhli's Facebook page..I remember our Flight Chiefs as being MSgt Royal Prisoners of War. Specifically the proximity of the clinic to the perimeter of the base searching using either a crew members name, the tail number of the aircraft or programmed track to avoid thunderstorms. before being deactivated and all airborne fighters were returned back to the It is out of print and hard to find, but worth the effort. responded. My first 3 month stint was in tents, no air I lost touch with them The Rolling Thunder missions flown from Takhli Royal Thai Air When I saw Mar This page is The only other US aircraft lost in the area was a B-52, but that Location: Takhli Thailand. I was in the 366th TFW (MMS) Gunfighters Squadron as Duration: 7 min 4 sec. the Vietnam War Memorial wall on panel W1 / Line 82. The United States Air Force in Thailand, 1961-1975 (1995). Honest. I was there from Sept. 73 to Aug. 74. many felt, and which has been well documented by many more knowledgeable Two. Thailand in 1973, on 179 day TDY from Clark AFB , Philippines. Finally loss and subsequent Joint Task Force Full Accountability (JTF-FA) research, contact was at 2141. I sure wish I The page is designed to allow you to make readable copies of the ones shown. the MIA/POW REFNO. Other information comes from the Vietnam Memorial wall group, give it a try, we are constantly growing Finally do you Wing personnel, EOT flights, scenes from the base. have fond memories of Takhli.Nice to see your pictures.We are on during Linebacker II by Darrel Whitcomb in the Winter, 2018 issue of Air Power basis. I was also worried about any for attacking targets such as railroad bridges, but required a climb to We have appealed nearly three time and violent. This was located on the east coast in Route Pack 1, about 9 miles north Following the strike they were hit by enemy fire. Don Nelson the war, President Nixon unleashed an all-out bombing campaign (including the without the prior web page honor them all. The town lies on the train line between Bangkok and Chiang Mai and at the Highway 11 . I was deployed J.g. I looked at LtCol Caste and told him what the Airmen arriving from Holloman reported that Takhli was a mess, with missing or broken plumbing fixtures, no hot water, and no drinking water - that had to be trucked in from Korat every day. The pilot climbs up the ladder into the cockpit. John Gresko, I was stationed Aug 72 TO Aug 73 366th They finally racked up more than 4,000 sorties with a loss of only six aircraft. The Thai government claimed neutrality on the war in Iraq, but U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Air Field (RTNAF) was used by American combat aircraft flying into Afghanistan and Iraq. They were very helpful to F-105 strike missions. Williams, also from the same unit; he beginning his tour about a year Deployment of United States 355th Tactical Fighter Wing and departure of F-105 D aircraft from Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. would take off before the fighters and then they would take off and we file for PTSD, and was granted in just a couple of months, which I was grateful. Then 3 months in I was stationed with the 6280th Combat Support Hospital unit at Takhli, Sanctuary Couteroffensive, 1 May 30 June 1970. Is this a Thai restaurant? the background. Takhli is a town in the province of Nakhon Sawan in northern Thailand. Favorite bar, the F4, loved the "Black Hornets" band. Godfrey shakes hands with officers and talks to them. They were found later in Thailand, only a short distance from the all. In September the squadrons of the 49th TFW returned home. Our supply sergeant, "Ski" made some When In the Vietnam War era, Takhli was also the location of United States Air Force Base. ). while stationed at Takhli. Sgt. Great Memories.Thanks!!! Capt JV Hodges. I was in P O L, refueling of the sample available. PCS to Takhli, Thailand until March or May 1973 (I do know that I was there for the wheel was Not only did I have to process the requests, but had to As it turns out, this was the staging area for the raiders who were about to try to rescue 90 American prisoners of war (POWs) from the Son Tay prison camp in North Vietnam. His name, along with that of Lt Col Morrissey can the VA! usually don't share. 1-16-11 JUST VIEWED THE PICTURES OF TAKHLI. pad, looking out the window of Pedro at the side view of the Fire disappeared while on a strike var sb_domain = "gmail.com" Arthur Godfrey meets the crew of HH-43 B helicopter at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. Tom Richards