tartarian empire, mud floodtartarian empire, mud flood

tartarian empire, mud flood

Tartary was a country with its own flag, its own government and its own. Thats right. In the world before this one, the People and the animals turned to evil and forgot their connection to the Creator. Helium is acquired in the refining of oil to gasoline. According to Fomenko, the Mongols, formerly known as Tatars or Tartars, did not exist, as such. The rest of the report makes it clear that the CIA is talking about Communist attacks on Islam and the Muslim peoples within their authority. Aug. 27, 2022 The Tartarian Empire and The Mud-Flood Theory The Internet has recently given rise to a new alternative world history claim. These cities include extremely impressive architecture commonly found in our city and state capital buildings, but also things like railroads, and even advanced technology. Artificial/Synthetic Telepathy And Mind Control, SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN: TIME TO ACQUIRE A MORE ACCURATE REALITY MODEL, REVISITING 911: DIMITRI KHALEZOV & THE 3RD TRUTH, SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN: Crystal Clark interviews James Horak, May 11, 2017, PART 2: TIME TRAVEL--THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT (AND IGNORED) DISCOVERY OF OUR MODERN AGE, WORDS MATTER: POST-HUMAN IS THE WRONG TERM FOR WHAT ISCOMING, DYSNOPIA: A LOVE LETTER TO MILLENNIALS (AND THEWORLD), FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: REALITY-MINING THE PAST#3, FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: REALITY-MINING THE PAST#2, FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: REALITY-MINING THEPAST, SNAKES & PARASITES: THE REALITY REVISION OF ACCELERATEDDECREPITUDE, TRUTH IS INTOLERABLE TO AN EMPIRE BUILT ONLIES, SECTION ON PSYCHOPATHY IS FINALLY BEINGPOPULATED, DR ANDREW WAKEFIELD SPEECH HEALTH AND FREEDOM CONFERENCE APRIL2021. Tartaria and the Mud Flood is truly a 21st century conspiracy theory, in that it exists almost entirely on the Internet if not entirely. They call it the great reset. Unlike the biblical flood, though, this was a mud flood, and in its wake, entire grand Tartarian cities were left entirely or partially buried. Like I said at the beginning of this post, I believe the Tartarian Empire was part of the Moorish Empire, and not the other way around. In truth, there appears to be something far more insidious behind this conspiracy myth than simple misunderstanding and well-meant speculation, but lets have a look at this explanation just the same, as we will have to address the name Tartaria anyway. In fact, Genghis Khan was a Russian, complete with European features. It reads as follows: let us take the matter of history, which, along with religion, language and literature, constitute the core of a peoples cultural heritage. Admittedly and unfortunately, I havent had the time to look into it with the kind depth it deserves, but in writing these last few articles, a particular idea keeps tapping me on the shoulder: are the mud flood and the time travel experiment re-covered in the last few posts, somehow related events? A mud flood was said to have wiped out this Empire, leaving only architectural marvels that could not be destroyed by the flood or our "backward" human hands. The Carrington event of 1859. You will see air ships and electric cars. But hold on! Well, they too use Google Ngram, and they find it suspicious that use of the words Tartaria and Tartary plummet to nonexistent following the 19th century. "Tartary (Latin: Tartaria) or Great Tartary (Latin: Tartaria Magna) was a historical region in Asia located between the Caspian Sea-Ural Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Privacy Policy. According to the CIA coverup document, communist Russia has re-written history to make Tartaria/Mongolia seem more like rural tribes and nomads. Furthermore, it has been suggested that the origins of the Tartaria claims can actually be traced to the chronological revisionist writings of Russian mathematician Anatoly Fomenko. So what am I arguing? Tartaria is also where the Greek word "Tartarus" originated from. The Austria/Hungarian empire was beginning to build airships, and they were too good at what they didnamely to surveil potential battlefields, military build-ups, and so forth. But there is something very satisfying to me about the idea that some proponent of the Tartarian Empire conspiracy mythos might stumble upon or seek out this blog post and think at first that Im promoting this nonsense, when actually this is perhaps the most absurd pseudohistorical conspiracy delusion Ive ever heard. Tartary / Tartaria The Mystery of an Empire Lost in History. History of Yesterday, 2 July 2020, historyofyesterday.com/tartary-tartaria-the-mystery-of-an-empire-lost-in-history-a99abb5cc9b6. First, it is new and growing. There, more than 30 buildings were damaged or destroyed, and gas lines were broken, igniting fires. However, even some cursory research into mud volcanos would reveal that they are typically small and dont cause mass destruction. This is another aspect of the theory that I havent really looked into, but the concept reminds me of many, many things James Horak has shared with us over the years, primarily his revelation regarding the engines in the earth (placed there when our ancestors migrated from Mars to Earth), that are part of an extremely advanced technology that works to keep the moon in parody with the earth. Perhaps the most absurd claim theyve made is that the impressive temporary complex of ornate facades built out of straw and plaster of Paris for the 1893 Worlds Fair in Chicagothe so-called White Citywas actually a grand Tartarian metropolis that they have pretended was not real. and was used to refer to any nomads north of China. After the Earth finished baking, the Creator began to make a new world, and as the Creator chanted the Song of Creation, it began to rain. Either naturally or by an energy weapon? Thats right, we are not only talking about an inner Eurasian lost civilization. Like, there was indeed a globe-spanning empire . This is partly due to having written an extensive book about these civilizations (and their evidence found all over the world) in the years leading up to its completion and release in 2009. Historical map designating most of Inner Eurasia and Siberia as La Grande Tartarie. Indeed, searching Google Trends for Tartaria, one sees Phantom Time, the chronological revision theory of Herbert Illig that I spoke about in my series, listed as a related query. Perhaps youve also heard about the lost continents of Lemuria and Mu. Hence, the "mud flood". Sheiko, Konstantin. Joachim Skaar a Norwegian who runs The Tartarian Meltdown YouTube channel says, I think that it was one worldwide civilization, It was all based on unity, oneness, peace, love, and harmony, which we dont see in todays society. Well that is just the appropriated history of a great Russian Empire. To help me determine the real Old Empire (Tartarian?) You can learn more about those interconnected issues from a 2012 interview called A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly: Lifting the Veil (parts 1-3). Your wonder and dismay likely further turned to shock and outrage as you learned of a global conspiracy to suppress the history of the Tartarian Empire, to cover up the existence of this mud flood, and to claim the impressive accomplishments of their advanced culture as our own. There is evidence sufficient to prove that these cities were in ruins at least sixteen or . Did Tesla know? Hills must be flattened and depressions filled in order to make streets flat. The Tartaria theory is one of those spokes as reality miners attempt to understand and label the civilization (Tartaria in this case) that was buried. 60346, https://doi.org/10.2307/2658945. 59, no. It is because of such out of date and inaccurate maps, along with a heaping portion of racial stereotyping, that the belief in a Tartarian Empire in the Americas can be found. But again, we are talking about rural nomads, not an advanced civilization that, according to believers, is responsible for the construction of architecturally magnificent edifices. The most compelling aspect of the theory, in my view, is that this event seems to have occurred in the very recent pastrecently enough that there are black and white photos documenting it. The following excerpt comes from orphantraindepot.com: From 1854 to 1929 an estimated 250,000 orphaned, abandoned, and homeless childrenwere placed throughout the United States and Canada duringthe Orphan Train Movement. But I will get to that. The Holy Roman Empire? Join David and Brent as they excavate the truth behind the enigmatic mud floods, unearth mysterious maps, and delve deep into the forgotten history of this once-mighty civilization. . ADVANCED TECHNOLOGICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SEEMS TO ALSO PERMEATE THE MUD FLOOD PHOTOS. If all of the metal in your buildings was electrically suprheating, how would you stop it? Mud Volcanoes at Gobustan State Reserve. Mud Flood Catastrophism and Tartarian Empire, no flat earth if I can help it but you have to sift through wheat from the chaff yourself otherwise. One of these theories involves a catastrophic event known as a mudflood. One of my favorite authors in that regard is David Hatcher Childress. With a basic grasp of the fact that the construction of such government buildings was well funded, and that architects were specifically sought out and well paid to design impressive architectural structures, its quite clear why such projects were initially surrounded by empty space and simple A-frame clapboard hovels. Such theories assert that Tartary (or the "Tartarian Empire") was a lost civilization with advanced technology and culture. Back in the 1980s, the KGB ran a disinformation campaign aimed at encouraging the baseless conspiracy claim that the U.S. government was responsible for the creation and spread of HIV/AIDS. One Norwegian Youtuber focused on Tartaria, Joachim Skaar, lumps all of modernist, and therefore non-Tartarian, architecture together under the label of Brutalism, although that is a very specific offshoot of Modernist architecture that emerged in the 1950s and declined in the 1970s. residential architecture from the modern imitations, I look for 4 main features: *Fiddly Bits on top (metal or stone protuberances to serve as antenna) *Flat Chimneys (never enough chimneys to heat such a large building by conventional means) Another interesting spoke on the mud flood wheel is the perhaps related phenomenon of the seemingly large population of orphans around the same time period, historically referred to as the Orphan Train Movement. Hell, that goes back a long time before Qanon and COVID-19 conspiracies on social media. Celebrity & Government Clones Imagery and Recap. Now, here I would ask the reader to please understand, if those statements are coming across as glib or smug, they arent meant to, and in a moment youll understand why. Now exactly what led to the fall of Tartaria is unkown but there are many theories. Furthermore, if they even gave enough context to quote the entirety of the last sentence, it would be revealed that the history of these Muslim people was being rewritten, or falsified, in order to eliminate references to Great Russian aggressionsso that the Russians always appear in a good light. And this, the fact that Russians have long been engaged in a revision of history, producing a pseudohistory intended to serve their political purposes and falsely burnish their image, leads us to what may be the true origin and sinister purpose of this batshit crazy conspiracy claim. Such theories assert that Tartary (or the "Tartarian Empire") was a lost civilization with advanced technology and culture. The mainstream researchers of this subject, have also found out that the Tartarian Empire and the Tartarian era were buried deep in this mud as well. Of course scientists that had worked with helium were all in on a conspiracy to say that helium came from natural deposits in the panhandle of Texas, almost exclusively. The Creator sang louder and it rained harder until the rivers overflowed their banks and surged across the baked landscape. Simply put, one gets the impression that these Tartarian Empire Youtubers and Reddit posters are just basement dwellers in boring towns who have only recently discovered the beauty of fancy buildings and simply cannot believe such structures are American. In that regard, I trust that veteran reality miners immediately noticed the similarities between, The Great Rebuilding was the effort to construct a new, urban center. Truly sensible concepts. Of course, civic engineering requires a lot of digging like this, even today. Some scholars suggest the initial name Tatar derived from a Chinese word, dada, which dated to the 9th century C.E. Theres modern architecture with the name Brutalism, which he describes as square concrete boxes which are designed to be produced very fast, very cheap and very effective., Debriefing 65 - Celebrity & Government Clones Visual Recap, DUMBS for Dummies: A Beginners Guide to Underground Military Bases, The Conspiracy Roundtable Extravaganza: Flat Earth, The Conspiracy Roundtable Extravaganza: The Urantia Book. Adherent of this theory suspect monuments like Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow's Red Square continue tens or even hundreds of meters underground. For example, on 9 August 1944, the Central Committee of the Communist Party, sitting in Moscow, issues a directive ordering the partys Tartar Provincial Committee to proceed to a scientific revision of the history of Tartaria, to liquidate serious shortcomings and mistakes of a nationalistic character committed by individual writers and historians in dealing with Tartar history. In other words, Tartar history was to be rewrittenlet us be frank, was to be falsified. While there is little doubt that the fire started in abarnowned by Patrick and Catherine OLeary, the exact cause of the fire remains a mystery. An image of the State Capitol of Iowa, with less impressive buildings surrounding it. I mean theyve had thisJules Verne detected this when he was writing 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Seathere was a Captain Nemo, and there was such a craft as his submarine. Unlike the biblical flood, though, this was a "mud flood," and in its wake, entire grand Tartarian cities were left entirely or partially buried. And, to be sure, the fact that you and I are still here and having this conversation right now, means we still have time. Proponents think this catastrophe occurred sometime in the 1800s. Some have suggested that it was the result of a worldwide volcanic event, caused by mud volcanos. From the barn at 137 DeKoven Street, on the citys southwest side, the fire spread north and east, into the heart of Chicagos business district.Rain put out the fire more than a day later, but by then it had burned an area 4 miles long and 1 mile wide. Read More . Your surprise may have turned to wonder and dismay as you learned of a great worldwide catastrophe, a flood akin to Noahs but composed of mud that destroyed most evidence of this magnificent civilization. It would challenge the power placement, and it would be less lucrative. Wow what a story. There are numerous photos (shown in countless videos on the topic) from that same time period that appear to include signs that extremely advanced technologies were being used by the civilization that seemingly vanished from those pre-existing cities buried in mud. Its a by-product, and if you know how to collect ityou have to know the secrets of how to collect it, how to turn it into a liquid for shipment, and then once it has been turned into a gas you can return it back to a liquidbut all of these are trade secrets that are held by the three big gas companies, the industrial companies that have been doing this for a hundred years. James Horak. All Rights Reserved. Indeed, it was the bellicose northern peoples of the Eurasian Steppe that the Chinese had built the Great Wall to keep out who would eventually come to be called Tatars by the West, such as the Manchu and Mongol peoples, as well as Turkic tribes. Now, there is a fast-spreading conspiracy theory about the existence of an ancient, suppressed mega-empire that originated in their region, and it is remarkably similar to the ethno-national propaganda Russias president spouts as a pretext for expansion, asserting the Russians are just reclaiming what has always been theirs. Possibly because they never existed. I am totally fascinated. Of course, in that statement lies both the problem and the solution. In 1803, the Ames Shovel Works was established in Easton, Massachusetts. Just the sort of image that looks like proof to a Tartarian Empire believer. Specifically, ethnologists recognize that the Yupik aboriginal peoples dwell in both Alaska and Siberia. From that moment on, that is the subtext of every radio show Ive ever done, and every book, essay or article Ive ever written: through understanding those patterns, we can change them before we inevitably get where were currently goingbefore its too late. The following recounting of the event comes from National Geographic: The Great Rebuilding was the effort to construct a new, urban center. The banner on my FB page is a quote by Alvin Toffler: The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read nor write, but those cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Thanks for the comment Jet. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. A plausible theory that I cant take credit for but caused me to remember the Carrington event when a lot of the telegraph lines burned up. In fact, they are often identified more as hot springs, and can be enjoyed as natural mud baths. The following explanation of soil liquefaction comes from earthquakeauthority.com: Earthquake motion can turn loosely packed, water-saturated soil to liquidliquefaction. Liquefied soil loses its density and ultimately the ability to support roads, buried pipes, and, of course, houses. So throw out everything you know about the history of the world, disregard everything you think you understand about ethnology, geography, architecture, and geology, and prepare to be awakened from the sleep of ignorance, liberated from the herd of the sheeple, and initiated into the mystery of Tartaria! Tartary or Tartaria is a historical name for Central Asia and Siberia. But the argument against the historical existence of giants deserves to have its own episode and would be too much of a digression here at the end of this one. The Tartarians are scared, they have never experienced snow before and wonder what is happening. The number of lies being uncovered is breaking my brain. To conclude, lets just hope that the fringe nutcases who have taken up the Tartarian standard and run with it online continue to take the idea in such ridiculous and fantastical directions that it becomes ever more laughable, and thus, if were lucky, useless as Russian propaganda. There are three different ways of describing what amounts to the exact same problem, depending on which language is best suited to the unique thought process of the individual. This week on Hysteria 51, we're diving headfirst into the murky, muddy waters of the Tartarian Empire. . The gravity of earth cant hold helium to it, so how could there be any natural deposits? It is certainly true that these old maps using the label of Tartary or Tartaria are frequently raised as evidence for these outlandish conspiracy claims, and their proponents do indeed reject the simple and historically accurate explanation for why these regions were called Tartary. It is claimed that, lacking the knowledge of what this term referred to, conspiracists jumped to the conclusion that there must have been a huge kingdom or nation-state called Tartaria that has since disappeared. buildings and asked me to explain why they all had similar architectural styles if there wasn't some globe-spanning Tartarian Empire behind them all. He is here on Earth to deliver secrets and spread dark truths of the universe beyond what any can imagine. A wave of mud covers the entire earth, leaving more than half of all life . As mentioned in my episode on Prester John, a legend that somewhat coincides with Tartaria claims since it talks of a magical kingdom in the same region, the term Tatar appears to have become Tartar because of a racist pun. In our current lineage, photography was invented in the 1800s, Napoleon died in the 1820s, and the timeline split occurred when Napoleon was in the Great Pyramid, as explained by James Horak. But perhaps the most ridiculous thing about this mud flood aspect of their claims is that, since theyre using photos from the 1800s as evidence, they played themselves and had to place their supposed worldwide mud flood catastrophe in the 19th century. That since at least the Middle Ages, all evidence of the empire was systematically deconstructed until another force finally killed off all the survivors by the mid 1700s, from which all references to the empire Tartaria, would be omitted from all future academic works. When the orphan train movement began, it wasestimated that 30,000 abandoned children wereliving on the streets of New York City. And it expanded to a point that bythe beginning of WW1 there was a conspiracy to lie about what helium was, because they didnt want helium accessible to the Germans. Let us start with a simple refutation of the Tartaria mythos. Until the Great Floods Of the Early 1800s, Hollow Earth, Ancient Maps, Atlantis, and Other Theories, Evidence of Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age, One of the most beautiful maps to survive the Great Age of Discoveries. While only 120 bodies were recovered, it is believed that 300 people died in the blaze.. To wit, the head of the Singer Manufacturing Company, makers of the famous sewing machines, commissioned the Singer building as their New York Headquarters and hired architect Ernest Flagg to design it. Charles Loring Brace founded theChildrens AidSocietyin orderto help these children. That nobody in our lineage has done more to provide us with a more accurate model of reality than James Horak, is something I believe in all sincerity. As evidence, they hold up old photos from 19th century America, in which can be seen such grand edifices, usually municipal buildings like city halls or state capitols, rising above simple wood frame houses and shacks, or on otherwise empty stretches of dirt fields. TARTARIA, THE MUD FLOOD, TIME TRAVEL AND NAPOLEON: ARE THESE EVENTS ALL RELATED? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Even the rocks glowed red-hot, and the giant animals and evil people burned up where they stood. We have two very different types of architecture, he says. Moreover, this knowledge has touched on nearly every discipline we have: agriculture, aero biology, physics, mathematics, genetics, morality, history, metallurgy, advanced technology, artificial intelligence, spirituality, cosmology, astronomy, intelligent design, the EMVs, time travel, reverse speech, the attenuation of gravity waves, and on and onand it was given freely. Nevertheless, to the proponents of the Tartarian Empire fiction, these cherry-picked maps are evidence that Grand Tartary, the mythical civilization that they have built up in their minds to Atlantean proportions, was present in the Americas, and though their own false evidence would suggest it could only be found above the Arctic Circle, they claim it was present everywhere. Its no great mystery. With a simple translation of the Latin, they would be able to tell that the blurb with the word Tartorum is describing the Mongol tribes on the other side of the strait, not in North America, and describes a simple rural life that is very different from the technologically advanced civilization they imagine Tartaria was. The Internet has recently given rise to a new alternative world history claim. Prior to the 18th century, the West lacked much knowledge about the peoples and societies within Siberia and Central and Inner Asia and simply called all of them Tatars, which then became Tartars, and their lands Tartary. It was a blanket term, similar to the way ancient Greeks called all the lands northeast of Europe Scythia, and any nomadic people from that vague area came to be called Scythians. Again, any sufficiently ornate building, with columns supporting entablatures with carved friezes and cornices with scrollwork, or any building with an especially elaborate roof like a mansard or a cupola or a large dome, seems, in their fevered imaginations, to be a relic of this lost civilization. Not exactly a global threat. If readers find that too incredible and/or are unfamiliar with those references, I recommend listening to the recently re-posted show, SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN: TIME TO ACQUIRE A MORE ACCURATE REALITYMODEL. Lomonosov's bastards: Anatolii Fomenko, pseudo-history and Russia's search for a post-communist identity. (PhD thesis) School of History and Politics, University of Wollongong, 2004. http://ro.uow.edu.au/theses/222. Finally, at the height of the battle, the Thunderbirds suddenly threw down their most powerful thunderbolts all at once. If the Tartarians transmitted electricity through the air, what would happen if the system short circuited or was overloaded? Big businesses, innovative buildings, and a new style of architecture were the results. The first issue, being whether or not the timeline split and the Mud Flood are connected events, the second having to do with helium, as it also pertains to the theory. This ignores the well-documented history of Asia, which Tartary refers to. We also examine some evidence at the Salt Lake City Temple, a Wise Up video examining the Ohio mounds, some Pre Reset. It is 1834, the sky suddenly turns dark and snow starts to fall down. As the CIA report I referenced indicates, this historical negation, denialism, and revisionism had been perpetrated by the Soviets, but as Sheiko describes, it continued, in a somewhat different vein, after the fall of the Soviet Union, as Russia sought out some post-Soviet identity. Eventually, as ethnological knowledge of the regions peoples grew, further distinctions had to be made, such that those in Manchuria were called Manchu Tartars, and those in the eastern reaches of the Russian Tsardom were called Muscovite Tartars. Others in this category see Russian identity wrapped up in racial heritage, and they trot out the old myth of an Aryan people. National Cultural Development Under Communism. Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room, 11 Nov. 2016, www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp78-02771r000200090002-6. However, the reliability of these tools in determining the origin of such pseudohistories and conspiracy claims is decidedly questionable. Some have suggested that it was the result of a worldwide volcanic event, caused by mud volcanos. Racist 19th century map asserting Mongolian cultures are present in North America. A site for sharing views and pictures/photos of amazing old world. It has been suggested that the entirety of the Tartaria conspiracy myth can be blamed on conspiracists looking at historical maps and getting confused because of their ignorance of certain aspects of history. For example, it is entirely possible that these conspiracy claims crossed over into the English-speaking world from foreign language publications that arent mined in an Ngram search, or from online content in another language that, if I understand the tool correctly, wouldnt show up in a Google Trends search, even if it were set to conduct a worldwide search, because the keyword used is in in English. In religious terms it can be stated as the weaponzation of creation and in scientific terms it can be stated as the purposeful destruction of intelligent design. This racist 19th century map chooses the color yellow for Asia and these portions of North America, and tellingly, it labels these areas Mongolian, not Tartarian. He has even gone as far as helping us to better understand and even anticipate the wonders that await us on the other side of this madness, if we would but act to stop it.

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